- USDT(TRC-20)
- $2,700.0

“Having played the original TTRPG, way back in the stone ages, I was stoked to hear that they were making the game with Mike Pondsmith's guidance,” Cyberpunk 2077 modder Darkcopse tells me.
“However, I've been entrenched in the tech world for too many decades to be an early adopter of anything. So, when it was released, I read the reviews and sighed. But, I watched in the wings to see whether it would wither on the vine or bear fruit. After patch 1.31 [arrived], it was clear CDPR was working hard to deliver on [its] promises and I took my first dip into Night City, as did many.”
“Despite the rough release, I'm glad that CDPR’s continued to work on the game all this time,” fellow modder DJ_Kovrik says, “and it was nice to see how quite a few ideas that appeared in the community and [were] implemented by modders – such as vehicle purchasing, dynamic minimap zoom, pocket radio and many others – eventually appeared in the game itself [via updates].”
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